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Tutorial (Stories builder)

This tutorial guides you through a series of steps to build your first simple story, which teaches you the basics of Stories builder.

Before you start, we recommend reading CleverMaps Main Concepts and Stories builder overview.

What will you learn

  • Create new story

  • Set story title, headline, subheading and background image

  • Edit and format text, add links, images and embed videos

  • Add and manage chapters of a story

  • Include map dashboards and configure their layout and UI elements

  • Add links to Interactively change the map dashboard state

  • Add local and global filters of various types to filter map dashboard data


Imagine you are responsible for a network of ATMs at a bank. Your goal is to optimize this network so it is as dense as possible so ATMs are close to people. On the other hand, more ATMs cost more money to operate. So you try to make the whole network profitable.

You collected data about your ATMs, their location and last year's turnover. You've done your geospatial analysis using CleverMaps Studio and want to present your findings to your managers and suggested network improvements.

What will you create?

Story with four chapters (one home and three extra).



Contains an introduction, a description of the data and an analysis methodology.


Network overview

Contains interactive map dashboards with a complete network overview.


Weak nodes

Contains ATMs which are suggested to close.


Node detail view

Contains a detailed view of all other ATMs.

Continue to Prerequisites

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