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Public access to Map dashboards

CleverMaps supports creating public projects where users are not forced to log in nor register. It is usable for a marketing presentation. The link to such project can be shared on social media, during a conference or as a result of a hackathon. The aim of this article is to provide a complete tutorial on how to configure such functionality and share the project. 

Tip: With this feature, you can publicly share the project for just limited time period (e.g. a conference) or make available just part of your data (e.g. just one region). This tutorial does not cover those advanced topics. Contacts us if needed. 

Step by step tutorial

0. Prerequisite: You have access to the project you want to share with the world

  • For example your registered account with admin rights is

1. Create a service user with the email you have access to -

2. Invite the service user as a viewer to the project you want to share

  • Access the project with your admin account

  • In the project menu access User management section and invite email to the as a viewer

  • Be careful to invite the service user with viewer role otherwise, anyone could modify the data and metadata of your project.

  • Keep in mind that all service user's priviledges will be available to public.

3. Accept the invitation

  • Access the inbox of and click the invitation link you received

  • Use registered credentials from step 1. (username and password 'P455W0RD')

4. Contact us at with a request to enable anonymous access

  • Please include the registered service user email (, project name and the reason why you want to publicly publish the project

  • Wait for our response until we enable the public access token generation feature for your service user email

  • Note for CleverMaps support: to enable anonymous access functionality set user attribute isAnonymous to true in Okta

5. Generate an access token

  • Access the clevermaps platform with your service user credentials and generate an access token by clicking the option in public access menu in top toolbar.

  • Login again with your credentials and copy generated access token.

  • Token is chain of random looking characters. E.g. ACC355T0K3N

6. Concatenate the registered service user credentials with the link from previous step

  • In format

7. Share this link with the world 🙂

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